Key Features & Benefits
CCI Team Performance Platform Benefits
It starts with resilient employees and teams.
3D Team Performance-Dedicated
helps you harness the power of 3D Human Data Intelligence to
objectively measure key human factors and hidden risks with greater insight for
Enhanced Employee Engagement, Enhanced Team Performance, and Enhanced Organization Resilience.
We help your organization drive better decisions, better results and overcome organizational challenges.
At CoreComm International, we connect people to
business to people™.
Gain & Monitor
Increase & Enhance
Key Features
& Benefits
Online Dynamic Reports & Analysis Engine
Dynamic Reports & Analysis
Easy-to-Use online
interactive and dynamic reports allow you to generate individual, team and
sub-groups based on your unique criteria & strategic needs.
Choose From 100's of Human Data Factors or Create Your Own
Human Data Factors
Our service can
report on hundreds of different human dimensions from psychological to
interests to aptitudes and skill levels. Or request a customized report for
your organization.
Pulse Tech
Pulse Tech
Teams are affected
over time by environmental factors such as staffing changes, stress &
anxiety, economic shifts and many more. Monitor staff changes over time and in
different contexts with our Pusle Tech to enhance team health as well as changes
before, during and after training and other events, maximizing ROI at every
Cross-Correlation Capability
Cross- Correlation
Seamlessly map staff
human factors against business KPIs, for example sales, turnover rates, leads
generated, ROI, customer acquisition costs and many more.
Unique Deep Dive Insights
Unique Insights
Create reports that spotlight subgroups & teams with
key characteristics such as High Sales Volume, High Employment Satisfaction and
Engagement, Culture Fit and Key Personality Traits for deeper insight to make better decsions on who & what to train, who to promote and who can
make great team members.
Customized Assessments
Harness the full power of Human Data Intelligence by choosing
what measure, monitor and X-correlate. We can build expertly curated
assessments based on your organization’s unique KPI’s & Strategic needs, to
monitor staff over time for increased analysis, enhancement, performance &
For Education & Training Organizations
Education & Training
Choose any question type, from right-answer to
multiple choice; yes – no questions; percentages and more, to evaluate student
ability, skills and knowledge.
Screen and Identify the right instructors with the
right dynamics to match your unique hiring requirements, student needs,
teaching teams and organization culture.
Find the best instructors faster, more easily and with greater accuracy.
Reduce Risk - Improve Staffing Decisions & Increase Team Performance
Reduce Risk - Improve Staffing - Increase Performance
Gain deeper insights for enhanced staffing decisions on hiring,
promotions, succession and team compositions to maximize your human talent. We
help you identify the right question types to reveal key insights about your
staff. Map these human factors to your
organization’s unique strategy and KPIs to identify ideal employee profiles for
the most efficient and effective team makeup.
AI Generated Summaries
Don’t waste valuable time trying to analyze multiple graphs,
spreadsheets and tables from different vendors in different formats. Our onboard
AI system delivers clear comprehensive summaries of all data collected for each
report generated.
GDPR Compliance & Data Protection
provide informed consent to give their answers for reporting purposes.
Individual names and emails are never shared with 3rd parties. Data is
encrypted and protected behind powerful AWS firewalls.